Number of hours per week: 8 hours Available: Spring and Fall.
*3 Continuous Sessions Required for Enrollment in Business French Seminar.
Language levels applicable: advanced intermediate level (course 220) and higher
Certificate Preparation for:
- Certificat Pratique de Français Commercial et Economique de la Chambre de Commerce et dIndustrie de Paris
- Certificat dEtudes Commerciales en Langue Française de lAlliance Française
- Certificat dEtudes Commerciales du Collège International
- D.E.L.F. (unité A6)
Seminar Description
- Socioeconomic Topics
- General presentation of France
- Population
- Industry
- Agriculture
- The Tertiary Sector
- The Crisis
- European Union
- The Intervention of the State in the Economy
- Tourism and the region of Provence-Côte-dAzur
- Trade Topics
- General Information on Business Organization
- Distribution Network, Sales, Invoicing, Regulations
- Publicity and Public Relations
- The Bank
- The Post Office
- Transportation
- Customs and Foreign Trade
- Insurance
- Taxes
- Communication Topics
- Drafting of letters within the framework of company/client and company/supplier relations, and with the various partners referred to above.
- Information Circulation and Publicity
- Other Forms of Communication
- Fax
- Telegram
- Memorandum
- Calling card
- Telephone messages
- Instructions
- Practical Study of the French Language
- Exercises of vocabulary (to find the right word, synonyms, homonyms, definitions, etc.)
- Translations
- Comprehension of Texts
- Dictation
Example of a Seminar Lesson
- From an authentic document (for example 15 minutes video recording) or of an economic document on a topic of the program, discussion and comparative study on the selected subject.
- Enrichment of the vocabulary.
- Examples illustrating the problem through the newspaper articles.
- Exercise practice of vocabulary or of comprehension on this same topic.
- Course Books
- Le français commercial Michel Danilo, Odile Challe (Presse Pocket - 1985)
- Commerce - Affaires Gisèle Pou, Michèle Sanchez (Clé International - collection Entrainez-vous 1993)
- Economie Gisèle Pou, Michèle Sanchez (Clé International - collection Entraînez-vous -1993)
- Other Materials
- General Economy
- Géographie: la France et la C.E.E. - Remy Knafou (Belin - 1985)
- Léconomie française face aux défis mondiaux - L. et G. Bremond (Hatier, 1985)
- Rapport annuel mondial sur le système économique et les stratégies (Ramsés, Atlas economica)
- La France depuis 1945 (Profil dossier Hatier - 1985)
- Le rapport économique annuel du quotidien Le Monde
- Etat de la France 94 (Editions de la Découverte - 1994)
- Techniques & Trade
- Situations et techniques commerciales - O. Girault, D. Nony (Foucher/Hatier International -1987)
- Cours pratique de commerce - A. Holveck, Ch Muli (Delagrave - 1982)
- Rendez-vous des entrepreneurs (Chambre de Commerce et dIndustrie de Paris - 1988)
- General Economy and Techniques & Trade
- La valise du français des affaires (Chambre de Commeyce et dIndustrie de Paris - 1989)
- Cassettes audio et vidéo et presse spécialisée: Les Echos, LExpansion, La Tribune, Alternatives économiques, Capital
Important note: This program is NOT available during the summer session.