Generally every student who has booked accommodation with a host family should keep in mind that this form of accommodation differs much from a hotel or bed and breakfast. For a short while, students and host families live together as almost one family which demands consideration on both sides. Don't forget that the everyday life of the family goes on while you are there!
As everybody knows, housing in Germany can differ. Some families have their own houses with a garden whereas some live in flats right in the center of the city. The guest-rooms may have double, or single beds. Normally there is only one bathroom which is shared; towels and bed linen are provided by the family. Breakfast is included in the host family accommodation.
The size of the family is also variable. Some families are very young without children; some are older with children who go to school or university; and, in some cases, students can also choose "families" who consist of only one person, if they seem to be the ideal accommodation possibility. It is always possible to invite friends to the host family, as long as the host family agrees to this and as long as they do not stay overnight. This is also valid for other forms of accommodation such bed and breakfast.