Pre-MSA: Using a variety of classroom activities, thiscourse will enable you to build up the basic skills of reading,writing, listening and speaking as well as developing languageacquisition skills. Grammar is not presented explicitly at this stage.Beginners MSA: This level aims to enhance the understanding andproduction, both written and spoken, of different patterns of nominalsentences, present and future tenses of verbs conjugated with singlepronouns, negation of nominal and verbal sentences and useful basicvocabulary.
Early Elementary MSA: This course expands on the teaching points of theprevious level in teaching tenses with plural nouns. The level alsodeals with all essential morphological rules related to verbconjunction, such as weak roots and the ten forms of Arabic verbs aswell as sentence structures. All grammar and morphology presentationsare contextualized in relevant situations which expand the basiclexicon.
Elementary MSA: Thislevel prepares the participant with essential newspaper expressions andvocabulary. This level expands on the morphological aspects ofvocabulary. "Masdars", active and passive voice, reported statements,conjunctions and complex sentences. This will enable students tounderstand and use them in meaningful contexts.
Early Intermediate MSA: This level details sentence formation, compound andcomplex sentences and related syntax, i.e. connectors, clauses andaccusatives. It expands more on morphology as active and passiveparticiples.
Intermediate MSA: Students will be exposed to different styles ofsemi-authentic texts with the aim of building a more specializedlexicon and expanding on grammar taught in previous levels. This levelalso enforces oral and written skills through a variety of classroomactivities.
Upper Intermediate MSA: This level exposes the student to a wide range oftopics which cover a variety of areas such as Politics, Economics& History. It focuses in expanding grammar such as differentuses of "Masdars", using different verb types and conditionals.
Post Intermediate MSA: This level is aiming at fluency in reading andenables the participant to cope with short texts of different styles byusing a wide range of topics. Grammar points are generated from thetext. The student consolidates and expands on all grammar andmorphological rules taught in previous levels.
Advanced levels MSA: In these levels, students are exposed to a varietyof texts which enrich their knowledge of sophisticated vocabulary. Thelevels also widen the scope of the students’ understanding ofdifferent written styles; i.e. the informative, argumentative,philosophical, scientific and literary styles which are used atdifferent times by different writers. These authentic texts enablestudents to have a deeper analytical view of Arabic grammar and syntaxproblems. The students also recycle old structures and enhance anddevelop their writing and listening skills.